Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I'm the bad guy because I cuss so much. Fine, I'll be your bad guy.

Read that title.

Yes. I've discovered a new excuse. As stupid as it sounds, I encountered this shit.

So, I met this chick 3 months ago on a dating site and if she had read my profile, she would've realized that I cannot cater to people if they get in their feelings about something I said or did. I have no problem saying what I feel; which means if I think someone should kill themselves or if niggas are just one word away from me being on them like white on rice, I'm gonna let them know.

Also, every other word outta my mouth is some form of the word "fuck" or any assorted expletive. You fucking knew this, so why in the blue fuck does this shit bother you? It don't bother anyone else. When you messaged me about the content of my Facebook timeline, you should've known that was the wrong thing to do. You knew I say what I feel.

Like for example, had it not been for a fellow friend, the nigga you were considering collaring late last year? He was well on his way to getting his ass knocked around from one end of North County to the other. Yet you had not a single problem with me wanting to do that because last I checked, that's what boyfriends do; they are protectors from fuckery in all forms.

But I'm a villain because I do good in very bad ways. I'm the bad guy because I'm a foulmouthed motherfucker who also happens to be a large black man. I told you that I swear because that's how I talk, like many others.

I'm not the only big nigga you know.

But how in the rainbow fuck does this make me an aggressive person? Explaining to you that I did care about you and your well-being when you basically told me I didn't? How does that make me a bad person, even if I let my control on my rage slip just a bit? I hate when people try to play on the conscience I don't have.

Yeah, your whole reason for wanting to dump me was a complete farce. Just say what it was: that like everyone before you, you didn't really want me and you were incapable of accepting me as I am though. You didn't keep your word, but I'm not mad. No one does.

The real reason she wanted nothing else to do with me? Because I went off on and then proceeded to block some fuckwad old enough to be my father who decided to attack me just because I said that I didn't belong in a certain part of a community we are both part of that I'm still trying to navigate my way through after three years. I explained to her that:

1) That dude can kiss my ass and he's gonna stay blocked
2) What he did for her means nothing to me since he came across as a 50 year old troll. (Yeah, I troll but there's lines even I don't cross)

So basically, she let some old man come between us. But I'm the bad guy for not standing for his bullshit. If being wrong means not bowing down to arrogance, then I don't wanna be right.

People wanna make me the bad guy? Fine. I'll be every part of the villain you make me out to be. Just don't get in your feelings.

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