Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Letting loose

You ever had those days where everything and everybody can go fuck off? Yeah, having almost a month of that shit and the nigga in me that lurks in even the most reasonable black man can't take it no more. The last thing I wrote (now deleted) was called a rant when it was me expressing how I felt without any anger. That's not the case this time. And this is going to have a lot of profanity, so if you have virgin eyes, I suggest you look the fuck away.
Grandpa trolls: Old-ass, punk-ass, douchebag-ass, zero-ass nigga. You were sorry but you had to attack me for how I felt, right? Well, I had to block your ass because you didn't read the disclaimer, not because my "widdle feelings were hurt." This is what you call a rant and I've only gotten started. I don't even know him, nor have I seen him off FetLife, but he can still go eat a dick off the motherfuckin' principle that he disrespected me without provocation.
Swearing does not equal aggression: I take the most direct route in saying what's on my mind when it's on my mind. I have moments where I can say what I need to without swearing, but I can't help that every other word out of my mouth is some form of expletive, because that is how I speak when I'm with my circle. It doesn't mean I'm geared up to go break my foot off in somebody's ass just because I say "Man, fuck that nigga" or "Save me from the fucking stupid." I get pissed off a lot and I say all kind of shit that would be offensive to the sensitive and not give one iota of a fuck how they feel. Get out of your feelings.
Lack of unconditional acceptance: Short and sweet. If you can't handle somebody at their worst, you need not fuck with them at their best. Don't make people think you accept them entirely when you ain't no different from everybody else who claimed to take them as is and when the shit get rough, you ready to cut them loose. If you can't take somebody as they are, swerve off a cliff in a Convertible with no seat belt on. Seriously. Fuck all that cherry picking.
Chameleon people: What annoys me are people who cannot be true to themselves. The people who feel like they have to do what they think is expected of them in order to fit in. Like for example, I know people who force themselves to like what their best friend, partner, etc. likes and claim things they know they're not gonna claim when those bonds are broken. I hate when I can't see the real colors of these individuals. These people you gotta keep closer than anything.
Guilt trips: Please understand that this shit does not work on me and the fact that people try so hard to make me feel bad just because I forget something or make a fuck-up irks the living fuck out of me. Seriously, I do not function like the average human being but I don't use it as an excuse when I do wrong 'cause when I know I'm wrong, I admit it and move on. Swerve twice and miss me with the manipulative shit.

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