Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Indecisive people

Let me just hop right on into this fuckery right here. I hate an indecisive person. I'm not just talking about the bitch that never knows what she wants to eat either. I'm talking about the people that just don't know what they want in life.

Let me hit you on some real shit. I'm 29 years old. Looking 30 right in the eyes. I had a plan to be settled and with a family started by 30. This is something I've made abundantly clear to exes. This is something I made clear to people I thought had potential when they entered into my life. Now here's my mutha fuckin beef. If we meet and we vibe, and we on some chill type shit getting to know each other and I make it clear that while i wasn't rushing into a relationship cuz I know my goal I want to build up to one, one would think that the other person in question would make his intentions clear from the jump right? Not this indecisive bastard. Instead, we go on with my idea, then months down the road you hit me with the friends label, but you don't know how to stay in the friend zone. Bitch. If you want to be a friend. you cannot be questioning my whereabouts, what i do, who I'm with, who i'm fucking, what sites i'm on, and all that shit. STAY....IN....YO....MUTHA....FUCKIN....LANE....BITCH!!!

Then, being me, I help the fool cuz he down on his luck but this is a temporary thing cuz i got shit going on (i.e. building my family without a significant other, i got no issues with single parenthood cuz fuck relationships). So temporarily this fool is allowed to use my second bedroom (with restrictions, my house so only person fucking in here is me, only person bringing company is me. don't like it, GTFO). He can come and go as he pleases long as my basic requests are respected and he contributes something right? So that means when he vanishes for 2 and 3 days I don't give 2 fucks cuz we not together and his hoes not in my house. But why the fuck are you laid up with whichever ho you with and texting me worried about what I'm doing and trying to say shit like if i'm not happy you're not happy? Know what would make me happy? You either deciding to get on my dick or staying firmly the fuck in the friend zone you claimed to want to be in you ignorant cretin. Don't worry about what and who I'm doing. Go fuck yo ho, damn it. Then you come back and want to be all nice and shit, cooking dinner, spending time and shit. Uh, that's great, my dude, but I got shit to do that don't involve you. Know your role, bitch, know your role.

See, I know my role. I don't ask who he with, where he's at, or what they're doing. If he don't answer a text when he's out, I just assume he sucking some dick or eating some ass. Do you and text me back when you done but keep those details to yourself cuz we're not that type of friends. I stay in my mutha fuckin lane. He keep crossing over his. You ol' indecisive bastard. I hate that.

Lesson here, if you see what you want in someone, speak the fuck up. Don't hold that shit in and try to throw hints. People like me don't operate on those

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