Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The ex that don't want you but don't want anyone else to have you

So this is pretty much the most annoying fuckery. I got this ex, which for the sake of names, we'll just call Dumbass, who I was with for about 5 and a half years with a couple breaks in there. But basically, we were together that whole time really. Now, I've been through the ringer with Dumbass. Lies, cheating, bitch ass side hoes having the audacity to come for me as if I don't beat bitches down (mind you i say bitches without regard to sex, in this case, said bitch was a dude but a bitch is a bitch to me). We all have at least one person that we are just fucking stupid for. That person that we allow ourselves to put up with too much from until we finally hit that breaking point. I hit mine over a year and a half ago and have remained single ever since (despite confusion stemming from the jackass mentioned in the last post, I am most definitely single until such time as he slobs on my knob like corn on the cob, oh and maybe we have a discussion but the slobbing on the knob pretty much seals it. yes i'm petty and no i don't care).

So here's the fuckery. Dumbass always comes back around when he thinks I'm interested in someone else. He even asks about him. Bitch I might be but what business of it is yours? Oh, that's right. It only took me five and a half years to allow myself to see this but you don't want me yourself, you just don't want anyone else to have me. You egotistical, arrogant, deluded sum' bitch.

So get this shit. Dumbass has a whole new boyfriend who ironically has the same first name as me but that's about all we have in common cuz the dude is kinda special (no i don't mean good catch special i mean short bus special). Great, I'm legitimately happy for Dumbass because I was sure this meant he'd finally get off my dick. Just to make sure of this, I literally blocked him everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and from my phone. Then this lil punk bitch goes and changes his number and calls me the other day. Now i don't answer the first time cuz i'm at work but i answer the second time cuz the area code is the one my mother is in and I'm thinking it's someone in the family. Instead, it's this raggedy bastard talking about he just wanted to give me his new number even though I never call him anyway. Bitch, I am pretty sure I kind of hate you. Like, if you fell face first off a cliff I would not give two fucks right now. I'm focused on me and you got a new dude. Focus on that dude. I did everything to make sure you could focus on him, but you calling me again to give me a new number and asking about who I'm with. So let me say this shit slow for you to get the point.


Goddamn, how hard is it to get that I ended our relationship. I walked away from you and every time you tried to restart it I made it clear that i do not want you. Damn I fucked another dude the week you left my house. That should prove the fucking point that you are not the only person worth plowing to me, right? To drive the point home further, I would rather go without sex the rest of my life than get back with you.

See the fuckery? Bitch don't even want me. Never really did. He wants what I can do for him. i.e. keeping a house together, keeping cars in driveways, bills paid, food on table, pretty damn good sex, and being loyal so he knows no one else is getting it, but he can do none of the same in return. Ol' ingrate ass bastard. Now I'm just gonna let Dumbass think I'm with the other idiot out of convenience. Meanwhile I need to block his new number cuz he has life fucked up. Bastard

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