Monday, December 5, 2016

Self entitled people

So this fuckery has been bothering me for a while. I hate those people that feel as if the world owes them something. You know who I'm talking about. There's the ones that had a rough early life, maybe they had a shit parent or parents, or maybe they lost a parent, or maybe they were just always poor. Then there's also the ones who had absolutely everything handed to them.

So let me get a bit specific. A few posts, I told y'all about someone, let's call him the Fool from now on to make my life easier. This is quite simply the neediest, whiniest, most selfish individual I've come across. He's that inconsiderate son of a bitch that loves to tell other people that his life is harder so they shouldn't complain.

Bitch, pause. Let me tell you something. You can't bitch about your life being hard when it's a result of your own fucked up decisions. It's not even bad luck, which I'm all too well acquainted with. No, you are fucking stupid. This nimrod had a fucking job when I met him, but at some point lost it right after his birthday which to me seems to have been a consequence of his constant drinking. And yes, he still drinks heavily. Total lightweight, I can drink him under the table without trying, but he drinks consistently. Pretty much every day. But I sit and listen to him bitch about not having a job now right. Yet a few months ago, he blew a job I got him. Basically, cuz he doesn't get his ass up and go to fucking work. You claim to want a job but don't want to do what it takes to keep the bitch. In other words, shut yo bitch ass up.

Then I hit a rough patch here and this bitch proceeds to tell me that I'm not down as low as he is. Well, no, I'm not, you fucking simpleton, but that's because I constantly get my ass up and grind. (Make no mistake though I have hit one hell of a low point and changes absolutely must be made). But let's be real, the Fool has no idea what struggles I've been through. He just has it convinced that his life has been harder than mine. Granted, he has one thing he's experienced that I haven't, and that's the loss of his mother. But you can't pull that out as an excuse for why you don't have yo mutha fuckin life together 19 years later. You're sad around mothers day. Ok, i get that. It's nowhere near that point of the year so shut the actual fuck up and get a goddamn job and most importantly, get the fuck away from me.

He complains about jobs he gets, but bitch what are your actual qualifications. I looked at the resume and no wonder I get calls and offers all the time but you don't. You don't do shit. Granted there seems to be a great deal missing from his resume but still. Your work history was never stable and you really don't have much in the way of skills. Do you really have the right to be picky when you also have no place of your own and no car? Answer: No, you fucking don't. Shut the fuck up and take what's offered, find a way to get yo lil ass there every fucking day, and most importantly (I can't say this enough) SHUT.....THE....FUCK....UP!!!!!

Newsflash, cupcake, the world ain't a nice place and you aren't guaranteed shit in life but struggle and death to end it. Life dealt you a rough hand early? Join the fucking club. Some of us have gone through abuse and neglect but we get the fuck up and make ourselves productive members of society instead of complaining that this shouldn't be that hard. Then he gets attitudes when he's told no. Such as, no you can't borrow my car because that bitch belongs to me and I said so. I don't need a fucking reason....gets major attitude. Gets mad when people tell him no they won't loan him money. Man that attitude gets fucking epic. It's rather funny actually.

Then he has this thing about relationships. He feels entitled to whatever he wants. So he wants someone to only be his friend and that's what he expects. He wants to go to their house and have drinks and not give them any knowing that the expectation was set for him to give it up before he got there. Then he expects them to be ok with supplying him with all this alcohol and take him back home when he's ready to go when he clearly knew the expectation before they agreed to come get him an did not live up to it. He feels like he's not in the wrong. Now, I'm not saying he's obligated to put out just because they bought him some booze, as that would make him a very cheap whore, but you can't act surprised when you've talked to this person, you have discussed some sexual things, they felt like you were feeling them and they were feeling you, and you just left them hanging. Of course the Fool gets offended when they tell him about himself. Like, how do you get mad at the truth? You are a bit old to not have anything of your own, not a job, a car, nor a place. You need people to do shit for you but get offended if they call you a user. You find it absurd that they tell you that you play games, but you just played a whole game to get them to buy you a bottle.

See I sit back and watch this self entitled little fucker and every so often have to put his bitch ass in his place. Then I get told I'm mean. Well, I guess I'll be mean. You're a self entitled little twat waffle that's 30 years old and still hasn't grown the fuck up. You haven't even figured out that your fucked up attitude is why people treat you like a ho. You do this shit like people owe you something. What the fuck do we owe you? Nothing, that's what. No one owes you anything. Not booze, not a job, not money, not a car, not even our time or attention. Work for what you want like the rest of us you ignorant little cretin.

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