Friday, December 2, 2016

Abuse in gay/lesbian relationships

Ok, now before you come at me with fuckery on this topic, let me be clear on something. Abuse is abuse. It does not matter if you are the same sex or not. What pisses me off is you simple minded fuckers that have the audacity to tell me shit like, "Y'all both dudes. So what if you hit each other? You can take it."

Pause. Bitch, no, that's not how this works. Yes, we both dudes. And yes, if a dude puts his hands on me, I'm going to proceed to beat the living hell out of him. However, that will be the absolute last time. The relationship doesn't go on after that. I don't do abusive relationships. That is still an abusive relationship.

Same with two females. The shit isn't cute. It is abuse. Being the same ex does not make it ok. It doesn't make the scratches and bruises less painful. It doesn't eliminate the trauma and stress.

The fact is, two people in love should not have to put hands on each other in anger. Is it understandable that we all have tempers? Yes, of course. But part of being an adult is knowing when to walk the fuck away and cool off.

Pause again. For you dumb bitches that do that thing when you have a mature partner who does walk away when they know they've hit their limit and you keep walking after them getting in their face, stop that shit. If I am pissed off, and I leave the room, or worse, leave the house, stay wherever the fuck I left you and give me a minute to calm down so I can come back and speak like a mature adult. If your partner walks away in the heat of an argument, they are more than likely doing it to keep their temper in check, which keeps the domestic violence away and keeps them from saying shit that hurts your feelings.

Back on topic, lately, I've noticed this being an issue in the gay community a lot more often. A little more so with lesbians but it happens with gay men too. Domestic violence is not something I have tolerance for at all. And the issue comes to light when I get that good ol' phone call from the victim, normally the more submissive one in the relationship, needing to get out. See, but I have a few conditions on this if I'm the friend you choose to call in this situation.

1. Please understand, I am beating your abuser's ass. This is not a question. I am beating the fuck out of him or her and please understand I will do my jail time, get out, and beat his or her ass again for having me locked up. I don't play about mine. Do not put your hands on anyone that I say belongs to me.

2. If you take your ass back after I beat his or her ass, do not call me when it happens again. Sorry, but I've already beat their ass once, possibly done jail time for it depending on whether they were dumb enough to call the cops in the situation and whether the cops sided with me or them. If you continue to put yourself in the situation, there's not much I can do to help you other than make that bitch go missing.

3. While you are in my house, your abuser gets their ass beat again if they show up talking about they just want to talk and apologize to you. Again, you have no say in this. I am beating their ass and this time, they're trespassing.

See, the problem is, a lot of people in the gay community think like some of you closed minded straight fuckers. They think it's ok because it's someone of the same sex. So with lesbians especially they figure since it's not a man beating the hell out of them it's just supposed to be ok. Then you call in family and friends and you think we supposed to just brush that shit off and be ok with the shit. We supposed to allow your abuser into our homes, invite them to our family events. No, we're not doing that. But what's worse is when you call us into your fucked up situation and then you side with your abuser, shutting us out when we've been there for you through your lowest points in life. But remember this, when the little bitch you with that's putting their hands on you is done with you, or when you finally hit your breaking point but you've alienated those closest to you, you already burned that bridge. Ain't no crossing that again.

So to my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters, understand this. Domestic violence is an issue and it should not be tolerated. If you cannot function in your relationship without putting your hands on each other, you are in an abusive relationship and you need to get the fuck out. It is not ok just because you're both men or you're both women. Love is not supposed to hurt you (least that's what they tell me).

Sidenote to the bisexuals, if you jump from a hetero relationship into a homo relationship right after and you're getting your ass beat in both, you need to be single. Stop, get the fuck out of your current situation, take some time to be alone and get to know yourself, what you can do for yourself. Love yourself. Yes, this is putting some light on a situation I have watched unfold in someone I know personally, and frankly, it's not uncommon, especially among this younger generation. There is nothing wrong with being single and working on you. No, I'm not saying it's your fault, but if you jumped right into the first relationship that came along and you really didn't take the time to look for the signs, you weren't looking out for yourself. And yes, there are signs. Narcissism is ugly, and if you've been with an abuser, you probably notice it's a common trait among them. Pretty common for them to be users too. Take time after ending a relationship to be by yourself, learn from what you just went through, and look for better. Don't jump on the first bitch to show some attention and flirt a little. If you've taken the time to work on you, then you can see those glaring ass warning signs and keep your friends like me from having to fuck your new bitch up because this bitch thinks it's ok to put their hands on you like you don't have crazy ass friends like me who, again, have no issue spending the night in jail if it means fucking an abuser up real quick.

Seriously, get out of the situation if this shit is ringing a bell. Mainly cuz the phone calls asking me the handle these situations irk. Bringing the drama to my house and just breaking out with it unexpectedly tends to make me beat both of y'alls asses out of reflex. And I keep my distance from certain people once I find out they're in such a situation so that I don't get close enough for them to involve me. It is uncomfortable getting caught between these situations, especially when you know the victim has no intention of leaving.

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