Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hitting on Straight Guys

so, this particular topic has come up lately in the gay community, so I'm talking to the gay guys with this post. I want to make this abundantly clear to some of you extra curricular fags (and yes, i used that term because you are the extremely flamboyant, flaming, annoying form of gay to which this term applies). Not every dude you come across is gay..........................................................let me repeat, and in caps, NOT EVERY DUDE YOU COME ACROSS IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, you give us all a bad name when you insist on hitting on a straight dude. If the dude is being nice when you speak, but lets you know he has a girl, he has a fucking girl. GET YO BITCH ASS OFF HIS NUTS!!! This is not that what your girl don't know won't hurt her situation. Sometimes, a straight guy is, and get this because apparently this is a fucking novelty to some of you, COMPLETELY STRAIGHT!!!! In cruder terms, he doesn't like dick, he doesn't like a man's ass, he likes pussy. How much fucking clearer can he get? Stop fucking hitting on straight guys. You cannot turn a straight guy. At best, you come across a curious guy who tries it and likes it. Generally, if they're straight, they want nothing to do with you in a sexual way. You can't fuck them, they can't fuck you, you can't suck their dick, and they can't suck yours. They can't eat your ass, nothing. Get it through your thick ass fucking skull. We can all tell when a dude is gay. If you can't, you need not ever approach a dude personally and stick to the dating websites. You will turn the most tolerant dude in the world into a homophobe all because you can't understand that all men are not gay, bi, or curious. So calm this fuckery down, stick to dudes you know are gay, bi, or curious, and life will get a whole lot easier. Damn

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