You ever thought you had something that was going good and then it just comes to a screeching halt? I've been there, done that, and ten times out of nine, end up in that. I'd like to think that it's because I'm paying for shit I've done in a previous life, but that's not the case. The case is that the hoe can't be loyal or some shit like that.
So, here we go. One of the most generic lines used during a break up. The first one is "Can we still be friends," but that's not the one I'm referring to.
If you read the title, you'll get what I mean. I find it hilarious how the break up conversation starts: you get that
"we gotta talk" message. Then you get told you're a great person, and
that's when they drop the bomb. Why is it people can't be honest when they're kicking their former partner to the curb? They always gotta go with that generic-ass shit 'cause I guess it'll make 'em feel better about the dirt they've been doing behind their ex-partner's back. If it's "not them," then why in the unholiest of fucks did you go into this relationship in the first place? Why in the actual secret tenth circle of hell did you waste your time and this other person's time if you weren't feeling them to begin with? I'll tell you why and maybe I've been watching too much This is a Commentary, but I happen to be a Tre Melvin fan and he makes sense.
Because you like the idea. You like the idea of a relationship, you like the idea of monogamy, you like the idea of the title of boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever, but you also like the idea of living the single life, which means you like the idea of sucking every dick/eating every pussy you come across that doesn't belong to your partner. If you're breaking up your partner and they're not why you're doing it, then why are you doing them wrong behind their back?
So, today, I just had the misfortune of having my relationship ended with such fuckery. The funny thing is that this happens at the same time I make the conscious decision to act on my suspicions that she's cheating on me and two days after I confessed to her that I had been cheated on. I came to that conclusion about three or four times throughout the last 24 hours because I've been fucked over by whores twice before. Then I read Dre's post about cheaters, just so I could make sure I wasn't being paranoid and insecure. I'll never know, and frankly, I could care less since the jig's up but I believe that I wasn't being paranoid at all.
Point of this is, if it's absolutely necessary to dump that person, be completely honest with them even if that shit is gonna hurt. If you're fucking around, own up to it and then kill yourself. If you're weren't into them to start with, don't waste their time or yours. If there's someone else, tell 'em and then proceed to give your life.
I personally have never used that line when breaking up with someone. Why would I tell them it's not them? Yes the fuck it is. It is totally them. Anyone that uses such a line needs to choke. Twice. I'm the complete opposite of these people. Not only do I tell the person its them, I tell them in detail exactly what the blue fuck they did to make me end it. That's how that shit should work. I don't have time to play games.