Sunday, July 7, 2013


I don't know about you, but I always run across those dumb ass people that equate sex with love. These are the morons that fall in love with any person they have sex with. As in, at some point after the first time they have sex with a person, they say those three little words that fuck a whole day up. So right after sex that first time, they say they love the other person.

Pause. Really? You fucked one time and now you're in love? Was it that good? Let me answer that for you, hell no. Want to know how i know it was that good? Because if you fucking with me, the very first time I probably don't care as much about rocking your world. This is especially true if we're not officially together and I decide to fuck you. I have a desire to make sure you're satisfied, but not to rock your world. Secondly, even if I were to pull out all the stops, bitch, we just fucked once. I'm not in love with yo' dumb ass. We fucked. Even if you're the best I ever had, which you're probably not, that does not make me fall in love.

I'll give an example. I had an ex who I stupidly remained friends with during our off periods over the course of five and a half years. Now this was a moron. We would talk and he'd tell me he has a guy he met online coming over. Or maybe some guy he met when he went out somewhere and got his number. Whatever the case, the guy is coming over. This is their first meeting and they're going to have sex. This never bothered me, because we weren't together and I had my own things going. The problem always came the next day. Because he'd call all excited, just having to tell me how it was the night before. And inevitably, he would tell me he was in love.

Ugh, seriously? Didn't you just meet this dude yesterday? But you're in love. Are you fucking kidding me? Damn you must be the neediest, most desperate fuck I've ever come across. Inevitably, about a week later, he'd call me all heartbroken because the guy had broken things off. On the rare occasion that one of these lasted longer than a week, such as the one that lasted like six months, things got much worse. Six months in, this DL guy he'd been messing with decided to let his ass go. Mind you, in six months, the only thing they really did together was fuck, but he fell in love. Madly in love. So far in love he tried to kill himself when it ended. In hindsight, I probably should have let him succeed instead of being that uber loyal friend that ran to his rescue. but whatever, i can't change who I am, right?

Point is, this is an extreme version of the idiots that confuse sex with love. The fuckery of this idea is mind boggling, especially when the ex I just told you about could be the biggest hoe around. So he fancied himself in love an awful lot over the course of the five and a half years we were associated with each other. It was rather pathetic. Seriously, it was an every other week type of thing with him. And there were several suicide attempts when they didn't return the feeling. Needy bastard.

So let's put this in simple terms for the fucktards who don't understand. Love is not necessary in order to have sex. If you have sex with someone, this does not mean they love you after. You should probably not say the words "I love you" during or right after sex. If you think that after sex you're in love, you should examine the situation. Do not confuse love with lust. Sex does not equal love. Especially for hoes. You can not fall in love with every person or every other person you fuck. It is really annoying for someone like me to fuck someone and then get a declaration of love, especially if I didn't plan on talking to yo' stupid ass after. As the saying goes, "We don't love them hoes."

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